
Shopping in America

Hello! How are you doing?
A spring break started from today and the classes will begin on 17th. So, we have a week vacation, which is pretty long! I will not go anywhere in this break, but I hope I can have a good rest, and I am looking for something fun!

I will introduce a little bit about shopping in America. There is a little bit different from Japan.

1. People use credit card really often
Honestly, I have not used a credit card before I came here. However, people use a credit card really often and it is a normal thing here, so I use it quite often too. I have thought that a credit card is only in the occasion when we buy something really expensive thing. But we use it when we use just a few dollars.

2. Online shopping is common
We do have some sites for shopping in Japan too, but I have not felt it is common. On the other hand, it is really common in America, and the number of the shopping sites are much bigger than Japan. Most of the famous brand has a online shopping site, and we can do shopping in house. An an example, college students buy textbooks through online. It cannot happen in Japan now.

Also, there are many sale in each brand. So, if you find something you like in the sale, you can get it with a cheaper price!
Last month, I got this cardigan and a purse. They were on the sale, so I could get them with a one third price of the original one!!

3. Tax is different in each states.
The percentage of tax is standardized in Japan. But it is different in each state in America. I thought about it when I went to New York, The consumer tax in New York is more than 8%. But the next state, New Jersey is 0% for clothes, shoes, and food. This difference is really big when we do some big sopping.

4.  We need to pay tip in restaurant
It is not shopping, but related with using money.. so I will write about it. We do not have the culture to pay tip in Japan, but America does. We need to pay about 10-15% of the total amount of the money. But we can choose the price with your satisfaction for the service.

Those 4 points are the big differences I thought. I hope it will be some help for you when you go to the USA!

2 件のコメント:

  1. 大変興味深く読ませてもらいました。消費税5%で留学して、帰国したら8%に忘れられない年になりますね。アメリカでは州によって税率が違うこと知りませんでした。留学もあと3ヵ月強?和食がこいしいでしょうね・・いつぞや海苔の代りに薄焼き卵で恵方巻きを作ったと苦心の様子読んだことあります。折角の留学今はどっぷり当地の文化に浸ってください。元気でね by隣の老人

    1. もうすぐ日本も8%に消費税が上がるんですよね!上げる必要が本当にあるのかどうか。。と個人的に本当に思うのですが。今、春休み中で自炊をしているので日本食を結構作っています!あとちょうど2ヶ月で留学も終了です。アメリカのみんなとお別れする寂しさと日本で家族や友人に会える楽しみで複雑な心境ですが、思う存分アメリカに浸って帰国したいと思います!!
