
Easter Break in Alabama -2

Hi! I had a great day!! In the morning, I received a basket from Easter Bunny!! :)
There were some candies and toys. Since we don't have that custom, it was really interesting and I enjoyed it a lot!! Thank you so much!!
今日はとても素敵な一日を過ごすことができました!! 朝起きるとイースターバニーからの贈り物が!! :) お菓子や小さなおもちゃが入ったバスケットをもらいました。キリスト教ならではの習慣。今までに体験したことのないことでとても興味深く、楽しみました!!

After having a breakfast, I went shopping with Aaron <3 I needed to buy a dress for graduation ceremony, so she took me to find something good. Fortunately, I could find a good dress!! So, I am ready to cerebrate seniors in the graduation ceremony now!!

The dinner was special, and we had lamb. It was good!! Aaron's mom was worrying about me to eat lamb. But I have an experience to stay in New Zealand. So, I am totally ok with this kind of meat, and it tasted really good!! :D

After the dinner, we watched a movie. :)

snack(pepper and cheese) and wine for movie :)
映画を見ながらパプリカとチーズとワイン :)

Then, I talked about Japanese dance and showed some picture of it. Since they love Japanese food, especially fried rice, I was requested to make it! Even though it was almost mid night, I made it. Since the "American-Japanese food" is little bit different from the Japanese food we usually eat, I worried if it is different from their image of fried rice. But they loved it so much, and I was really happy!!


Easter Break in Alabama -1

Hi! We are in Easter Break and I am in Alabama with my friend! Her house is in Alabama, and she invited me to come together to her house!! It is a second time for me to come here, and I am really glad to meet her family again!!

Alabama is the next state of Georgia, and there is a 1 hour difference from Georgia. So, it is around 10:00pm now in Alabama, but I feel it is 11:00 pm.

For dinner, her mom cooked venison for us. It was really delicious and I loved it a lot!!


the view from the terrace :)


Movie Night

Today, I was invited by my friend to a movie night, and we saw "Dead Poets Society."
She is a student who is taking a Japanese class, and I am doing tutor for several times. Then I was asked to come to the movie night :)

Actually, it was for students who live in the apartments, but I could join it!! Thanks to being a tutor, it happened!! 
There were some free snacks and juice! The movie itself was really good, and I liked it :)I recommend you to see it too!

Sidesaddle Riding

Hello! My friend and I tried sidesaddle riding in the lesson!!
This saddle was donated for school a few days ago, and it is different from the one which we use usually. 

I felt I became a "princess"!! haha

We tried walk and trot. But since only one side leg can use, it much harder than the normal one. There are people who do jump with this saddle, but it is incredible!!

I found a fantastic video!


Designing Thinking and Social Innovation Workshop

Hello. The day I will go back to Japan is officially decided.
I cannot believe that I will be in Japan in a month. I am excited to meet my friends and family in Japan, but it is sad to say "good bye" to my friends here...

By the way, let me advertise a really interesting workshop event today!
My professor and friends in Hiroshima are working for this workshop, and it will be held in Tokyo, Osaka, Hiroshima, and Kyoto. It is about Design thinking and social innovation. 
広島の大学で私がお世話になっている教授と友人たちが今このワークショップの為に動いており、開催場所は東京、大阪、広島、京都です。Design ThinkingとSocial Innovationについて学び考えることができます。

"The Designing Thinking and Social Innovation Workshop is a 2 hour experience offered for university students and young professionals in Japan who want to make a positive difference in the world. Learn the potential of the design thinking process to spur innovation through lessons from VIA’s Exchange for Social Entrepreneurs & Leaders program and the Stanford d.school."

"Designing Thinking and Social Innovation Workshopは2時間の体験で、世界を良くしたい、変えたいと考える日本の大学生や若者向けのプログラムです。社会起業家&リーダープログラムのためのVIA’s Exchangeとスタンフォード大学からの授業を通して、革新に拍車をかけるためのdesign thinkingのプロセスを学びます。"

There are more information from the LINK.


Design Thinking and Social Innovation Workshop

Although this day is the exact same day that I will arrive in Japan, I will participate in it! I am really excited for this program!! My friend who went to the Stanford University for a summer seminar last year is also working for this workshop, and I am sure that it will be a great experience for me. The due day for applying for this workshop is April 25th. I strongly recommend you to participate in it if you are interested in those kind of study!


Last Weekend -Schooling Show-

Hi! Last weekend was great and I could enjoy!! :)
On Friday night, I had a dinner again with my awesome Chinese friends. I counted how many weekends we have in this semester. Then, we noticed that there are just few. So we did it again!!

I promised to teach the way to make "tamagoyaki" at the last time. So, we made it together!

I made Tonkatsu, Tamagoyaki, and agedashi-dofu. I was so happy that they love all the dishes!! :)
今回はトンカツ、卵焼き、揚げ出し豆腐を作りました。みんなすごく美味しいと言ってくれてすごく嬉しかったです!! :)

While we had the dinner, we talked about visiting the each country. I am planning to go to China in this summer seriously!! And they are planning to come to Japan in next summer!! In this college, there are so many students from China, and I could have many great friends!! I am so excited to visit their country in the really near future, and also I am looking forward to showing them my country!!
In the other day's blog, I got a comment; she commented that the International students are "young diplomats." I thought it is cool and pretty true. We are sharing our own culture and country, sometimes we talk about education system and politics. And we are trying hard to visit the friends' countries. Of course there are many differences in each country, but we can be good friends including them.

On Saturday, we had a community show on campus. There were many participants from the regional community.


I participated two classes, and I got 2nd and 4th!! :)
I am really satisfied with getting new color ribbons!!

Thank you Poco!! <3



Hello. I am sorry that I could not update this blog these few days. I had some paper dues this week, and I was working for them.. But now, I finished!!!! :D
I am so happy that I could survive! I have a class tomorrow though ;)

Today is just one month before the graduation ceremony day. It means I will leave here in just a month. I have some more papers, exams and a presentation in this semester.. But I can survive!! :) The exam week will begin in three weeks.
今日は卒業式のちょうど1ヶ月前、つまり大学を出る一ヶ月前ということです。まだレポートが数本、試験にプレゼンテーションも待っていますが、、大丈夫でしょう!:) 試験週間は3週間後です。

By the way, yesterday was "gay's day" in America. "gay" or "lesbian" is not so familiar with Japanese people. However, there are big communities in America and at the same time, it is one of the "hot" topic in the society.
Even inside of the college, I can feel this difference because I have some friends who have a girl friend. I am not sure it is especially because this college is a women's college. Yesterday, there were free t-shirts for the "gay's day," and many students were wearing it.

In the writing class, I argued about the different values of marriage and gay people. So, let me show some parts of it. 

           Because people seek freedom in life and it is an important value for them in America, the importance for same-sex couples to acquire their marriage rights cannot be denied.  Evan Wolfson mentions “marriage,” saying, “No matter what language people speak —from Arabic to Yiddish, form Chinook to Chinese— marriage is what we use to describe a specific relationship of love and dedication to another person”(99). This is correct; however, there is a value that “marriage” is only between a man and a woman in some regions, and it is hard for them to think about it as their own problem. Many Japanese people are in a difficult situation to accept the gay or lesbian community today. It is not only in Japan but some other countries suffer from the same intolerance. The author’s claim reflects an American society issue which is not necessarily prevalent in other countries. In Japan, people know the words “gay” and “lesbian,” and there are some those people. However, it is really difficult for them to confide in others, and many of them try hard to keep their orientation secret for a long time. Historically, gay people have existed in Japan, but tolerance is terribly low, and the environment for gay people might be worse there than America.
Then, why do gay or lesbian people try to hide their own personality in Japan? It is because there is a deep rooted value for “marriage,” and they get some pressure from societal values and family. The assumption, “marriage is different from love” (Wolfson, 101) is still really strong in Japan. The case of it is an arranged marriage. The number of this style of marriage has decreased in comparison to some decades ago. However, it still exists, and people consider it as one of the ways to get married. In the essay, Wolfson explains “If you love it, why don’t you marry it”(108). Although he had accepted himself as a gay person, it is not always easy to be accepted by family and society. In America, same-sex couple cannot get the same rights as different-sex couples. However, many people have recognized them and take this problem seriously. On the other hand, many Japanese people think that marriage is only between men and women, so it is difficult to think about the same-sex marriage seriously.
Besides, many people connect marriage to children in Japan. This is one of the reasons why same-sex marriage is difficult to be understood. Santorum mentions that “the risk for children are simply greater when they grow up in a single-parent home”(89). From a Japanese perspective, many people think this is true; there is a certain value for single-parent home. Of course there are single-parent homes in Japan. However, there are more negative connotations associated with them, and many people feel sorry for their children. People think that the style of family greatly affects children and prefer the “traditional” family style: a father, mother, and children.
Santorum points out “Individuals are free to do anything they want, including to redefine marriage, gender, and basic social institutions in pursuit of individual desire and preference” (Santorum 96). The value and thinking way for marriage, gender, and many other things are changing dramatically from decades ago. It is not only about America, but also Japan. It is good because many people gain more tolerance and understanding, ultimately receiving freedom in many areas. However, at the same time, people may be losing something important for our society and family bond. Having family and children is a way to keep and make the family bond. Having individual freedom is a good for people; however, people should not forget about the family. Each country and region has their values on marriage. Some people agree on same-sex marriage; some people are against; and some people cannot even think about it. No opinion is right or wring. However, the importance of family cannot be forgotten.

Rick Santorum, Evan Wolfson. “Rereading America.” Cultural Contexts for Thinking and Writing. Ed. Gary Colombo et at. 7th ed. Bedford/St.Martins, 2007. Page 88-110. Print.



Spring Social

Hi! As I said yesterday, I will tell  more detail about the Spring Social yesterday.
こんにちは。昨日お伝えした通り、今回は昨日の夜行なわれたSpring Socialについて書きたいと思います。

I this event, there are some food and drink including some alcohol. Students who are over 21 can get alcohol with free!! Some students came for the special food. My friend told me that there were some sushi last year, so I expected that. But there were so sushi this year unfortunately.. It was at the outside, and there were some lights and decorated. It was really beautiful.
このイベントでは、食べ物と飲み物がたくさん用意されていました。なんとアルコールもあり、21歳以上なら無料でビールやワインなど飲めるんです!! 学生の中にはこれらの食べ物を目的に来ている学生ももちろんいます。私もその一人♪友だちに昨年はたくさんお寿司があったんだよ!!と言われ、期待していたのですが、残念ながら今年はありませんでした。。屋外で行なわれ、ライトアップもされていてとても綺麗でした。


One of the main event was choosing a Spring Social Queen. There were some candidates, and students could vote for it before the event. My friend was a one of the candidate for it!! :D
Spring Socialのメインイベントの一つがクイーンを決めることです。何人か候補がおり、学生たちの投票で決められます。私の友人も候補の一人でした!! :D

with my equestrian friends♡

with my best buddy!! :)
私の相棒!! :)

There was a photo booth, and I took some pictures with my friends! It was so fun!!
フォトブース(日本でいうプリクラみたいなもの)もあり、友だちとたくさん撮りました!! 日本のもののように落書きしたり〜なんていう機能はない写真を撮って終わりですがとても楽しかったです!!


There was a DJ, and students were dancing. It was like a club! I did dance too!! There were some songs that I know. That was so much fun!! :D
DJが居てずっとアップテンポな音楽が流れていました。クラブみたいな感じですね! 私もダンスしました!! 私が知っている曲もあってすごく楽しかったです!! :D 

with my Chinese best friend♡ 21 is the best age ever!! :D we are having beer!

Longest Day Ever.. But So Much Fun!!

Hi! Today was a really long day with having so many things!!
I woke up at 5:30 in the morning and went to the barn to put the horses back to their stall. It is because fire balloons were took off from the campus in the morning as a part of the cherry blossom festival. Actually it was a first time for me to see the fire balloons directly, and I really wanted to ride on it!! :D
まず、朝5時半に起きて厩舎に行き、馬を厩舎に戻しました。ここでは基本的に夜中中馬たちは放牧されているんです。なぜ今日そんな朝早くに起きて厩舎に戻さなければならなかったかというと、今朝、桜祭りの一環として大学内から気球を飛ばしたからなんです。初めて生の気球を見てとても興奮しました!! :D

There were so many fire balloons! I liked the American football shape one! :)

Then, after having a breakfast with a team members, we went back to a barn to prepare for the school show next weekend. We set up the jumping course together.

While meeting, a cat was relaxing on my lap!lol

In the evening, I had a dinner with my new Chinese friends!! I made some Japanese food, and they made some Chinese food. Today, I made Chirashi-sushi, teriyaki chikin and sumashijiru(soy source taste soup). They made some four kinds of dishes and a soup and a dessert. All of the food were so good, I loved them! Besides, I was so glad that they liked the Japanese food I made. Especially, chirashi-sushi was really popular!! 


I will definitely go to China, and I am waiting for you to come to Japan!!

At last, I had a Spring Social from 8:30 on campus. It is one of the school's event, and it is kind of a party. There were some food and drinks, and we dance! It was like a club! That was so fun!! I stayed 3 hours and enjoyed so much!!
そして最後に8時半から学内のSpring Socialというイベントに行ってきました。このイベントはパーティーみたいな感じで学生たちはみなドレスアップして参加します。食べ物や飲み物もあり、ダンスもしました。クラブみたいな感じです。みっちり3時間参加し、とても楽しめました。


I will tell  more about this event tomorrow. Good night.



Hello. I had a riding lesson today!
I supposed to ride on Jack, but his right front leg's condition was not good, so I untacked him, and I rode Spense. He is our coach's horse, and it was a first time for me to ride on him. I was kind of nervous, but he was a really good boy, and I could enjoy the riding!! :)



Tomorrow, I need to wake up at 5:30. So, good night.