

Hello. I am sorry that I could not update this blog these few days. I had some paper dues this week, and I was working for them.. But now, I finished!!!! :D
I am so happy that I could survive! I have a class tomorrow though ;)

Today is just one month before the graduation ceremony day. It means I will leave here in just a month. I have some more papers, exams and a presentation in this semester.. But I can survive!! :) The exam week will begin in three weeks.
今日は卒業式のちょうど1ヶ月前、つまり大学を出る一ヶ月前ということです。まだレポートが数本、試験にプレゼンテーションも待っていますが、、大丈夫でしょう!:) 試験週間は3週間後です。

By the way, yesterday was "gay's day" in America. "gay" or "lesbian" is not so familiar with Japanese people. However, there are big communities in America and at the same time, it is one of the "hot" topic in the society.
Even inside of the college, I can feel this difference because I have some friends who have a girl friend. I am not sure it is especially because this college is a women's college. Yesterday, there were free t-shirts for the "gay's day," and many students were wearing it.

In the writing class, I argued about the different values of marriage and gay people. So, let me show some parts of it. 

           Because people seek freedom in life and it is an important value for them in America, the importance for same-sex couples to acquire their marriage rights cannot be denied.  Evan Wolfson mentions “marriage,” saying, “No matter what language people speak —from Arabic to Yiddish, form Chinook to Chinese— marriage is what we use to describe a specific relationship of love and dedication to another person”(99). This is correct; however, there is a value that “marriage” is only between a man and a woman in some regions, and it is hard for them to think about it as their own problem. Many Japanese people are in a difficult situation to accept the gay or lesbian community today. It is not only in Japan but some other countries suffer from the same intolerance. The author’s claim reflects an American society issue which is not necessarily prevalent in other countries. In Japan, people know the words “gay” and “lesbian,” and there are some those people. However, it is really difficult for them to confide in others, and many of them try hard to keep their orientation secret for a long time. Historically, gay people have existed in Japan, but tolerance is terribly low, and the environment for gay people might be worse there than America.
Then, why do gay or lesbian people try to hide their own personality in Japan? It is because there is a deep rooted value for “marriage,” and they get some pressure from societal values and family. The assumption, “marriage is different from love” (Wolfson, 101) is still really strong in Japan. The case of it is an arranged marriage. The number of this style of marriage has decreased in comparison to some decades ago. However, it still exists, and people consider it as one of the ways to get married. In the essay, Wolfson explains “If you love it, why don’t you marry it”(108). Although he had accepted himself as a gay person, it is not always easy to be accepted by family and society. In America, same-sex couple cannot get the same rights as different-sex couples. However, many people have recognized them and take this problem seriously. On the other hand, many Japanese people think that marriage is only between men and women, so it is difficult to think about the same-sex marriage seriously.
Besides, many people connect marriage to children in Japan. This is one of the reasons why same-sex marriage is difficult to be understood. Santorum mentions that “the risk for children are simply greater when they grow up in a single-parent home”(89). From a Japanese perspective, many people think this is true; there is a certain value for single-parent home. Of course there are single-parent homes in Japan. However, there are more negative connotations associated with them, and many people feel sorry for their children. People think that the style of family greatly affects children and prefer the “traditional” family style: a father, mother, and children.
Santorum points out “Individuals are free to do anything they want, including to redefine marriage, gender, and basic social institutions in pursuit of individual desire and preference” (Santorum 96). The value and thinking way for marriage, gender, and many other things are changing dramatically from decades ago. It is not only about America, but also Japan. It is good because many people gain more tolerance and understanding, ultimately receiving freedom in many areas. However, at the same time, people may be losing something important for our society and family bond. Having family and children is a way to keep and make the family bond. Having individual freedom is a good for people; however, people should not forget about the family. Each country and region has their values on marriage. Some people agree on same-sex marriage; some people are against; and some people cannot even think about it. No opinion is right or wring. However, the importance of family cannot be forgotten.

Rick Santorum, Evan Wolfson. “Rereading America.” Cultural Contexts for Thinking and Writing. Ed. Gary Colombo et at. 7th ed. Bedford/St.Martins, 2007. Page 88-110. Print.


6 件のコメント:

  1. 中々ディープ な問題をレポートにしていて凄いと思いました。人間生き方に違いがあっても、絶対不利益が生じてはいけないと思います。当方、子どもがいなく世間体で辛い時期もありました。子ども・そして孫が生まれ老人になる・・結局父親をしなかった。基本的人権がいつまでも守られる社会を保っていきたいと思います。

  2. 国によっての価値観の違い、また世代による考え方の違いは大きいなと感じます。日本でも私の両親が子どもだった頃と今とでは様々なことに対する社会の向き合い方も変わっているのだろうと思います。また同時にこれから数十年後にはまた違った価値観が生まれ、社会も変わっているのでしょう。その中でも“日本”で暮らす上でのコアな部分は多少残っていくのではないかと思います。違いはあってもお互いを認め合える、そんな社会になるといいなと願います。

  3. 大変難しいレポートですね。もう20年くらい前になりますがサンフランシスコ在住の友人を訪ねたとき、ダウンタウンのゲイのエリアを教えられ驚いた記憶があります。現在はメディアを通して様々な人のライフスタイルを容認していますが、もし身内の問題となったら、やはり悩み受け入れがたい状況だと思います。結婚=子孫繁栄とは思いませんが、普通であることに安心する体質は我が国では根強いですね。20代の頃の私にはこんなレポートかけなかったな~。

  4. アメリカに来て、メディアで多様なライフスタイルを知ることができる現在でも、実際に体験したり身近なものになると最初は驚くものだなと感じました。”結婚=子孫繁栄”という考えが強ければきっと今の日本が抱える少子化問題は起こっていないでしょうから、日本人の価値観と現実のギャップは興味深いと言いますか、不思議なものです。人それぞれの”普通”の違いは他国からの友人と話すととても感じられ、これも留学の大きな醍醐味だと思います。

  5. <人それぞれの“普通”の違い>に留学の大きな醍醐味を感じ取る貴女の感性が素晴らしい。大きな瞳でしっかり見つめ、沢山の体験を今後に生かしてください。

    1. とんでもないです。ありがとうございます!! 日本人は”留学”と聞くとなぜか”留学=英語を学びにいく”といった発想をする人がものすごく多いですが、その他にも日本ではできない経験をたくさん与えてもらえる素晴らしい機会だなと思います。これからの人生にどう活かしていくかは本当に自分次第。頑張ります!!
