
Longest Day Ever.. But So Much Fun!!

Hi! Today was a really long day with having so many things!!
I woke up at 5:30 in the morning and went to the barn to put the horses back to their stall. It is because fire balloons were took off from the campus in the morning as a part of the cherry blossom festival. Actually it was a first time for me to see the fire balloons directly, and I really wanted to ride on it!! :D
まず、朝5時半に起きて厩舎に行き、馬を厩舎に戻しました。ここでは基本的に夜中中馬たちは放牧されているんです。なぜ今日そんな朝早くに起きて厩舎に戻さなければならなかったかというと、今朝、桜祭りの一環として大学内から気球を飛ばしたからなんです。初めて生の気球を見てとても興奮しました!! :D

There were so many fire balloons! I liked the American football shape one! :)

Then, after having a breakfast with a team members, we went back to a barn to prepare for the school show next weekend. We set up the jumping course together.

While meeting, a cat was relaxing on my lap!lol

In the evening, I had a dinner with my new Chinese friends!! I made some Japanese food, and they made some Chinese food. Today, I made Chirashi-sushi, teriyaki chikin and sumashijiru(soy source taste soup). They made some four kinds of dishes and a soup and a dessert. All of the food were so good, I loved them! Besides, I was so glad that they liked the Japanese food I made. Especially, chirashi-sushi was really popular!! 


I will definitely go to China, and I am waiting for you to come to Japan!!

At last, I had a Spring Social from 8:30 on campus. It is one of the school's event, and it is kind of a party. There were some food and drinks, and we dance! It was like a club! That was so fun!! I stayed 3 hours and enjoyed so much!!
そして最後に8時半から学内のSpring Socialというイベントに行ってきました。このイベントはパーティーみたいな感じで学生たちはみなドレスアップして参加します。食べ物や飲み物もあり、ダンスもしました。クラブみたいな感じです。みっちり3時間参加し、とても楽しめました。


I will tell  more about this event tomorrow. Good night.

2 件のコメント:

  1. バルーンが見えたら高揚します。狭い日本では、九州佐賀平野のバルーンフェスティバル聞いたことがあります。障害物の少ない広大なアメリカではノープロブレムですよね! ジョージア州当りの平原、綿花はもうだめかな・・大豆・小麦・トウモロコシ畑なのでしょうか。帰国まで1ヵ月もうひと踏ん張りですよ元気に過ごして下さい。

  2. 日本ではなかなか見れない光景、アメリカでは大学内で見られるなんて思ってもいませんでした。ここ当たりは平原ですね〜試合で行った辺りでは綿花畑も見ましたよ!! 気づけばもう授業終了までちょうど一ヶ月。本当に時間がどんどん過ぎていきます!! ありがとうございます!!
